Saturday, November 30, 2019

Novi brand, slogan i portal Novigrada U svim boja Essays

Novi brand, slogan i portal Novigrada "U svim bojama Istre" Novigrad koji spada u klaster sjeverozapadna Istra, jedan od sedam klastera definiranih masterplanom turisti?kog razvoja Istarske ?upanije, ponajvi?e je poznat po svojoj turisti?koj tvrtki Laguna Novigrad ?ija je tradicija duga ?etiri desetlje?a. Ukupnu ponudu Novigrada kao turisti?kog odredi?ta Istre ?eli se podignuti na vi?u razinu, me?u ostalim i s ciljem produljenja turisti?ke sezone. U tu je svrhu tijekom 2010. godine razvijena marka Colours of Istria - U svim bojama Istre, a nastala je suradnjom turisti?kih zajednica gradova Umag, Novigrad, Brtonigla i Buja te hotelijera Istraturist Umag i Laguna Novigrad. Vizualno rje?enje branda predstavlja ve? prepoznatljiva lepeza u ?etiri boje: plava, naran?asta, zelena i ljubi?asta, a svaka od boja predstavlja jednu od specifi?nosti ponude sjeverozapadne Istre. Kroz teme wellness i more, sport i zabava, priroda i kampiranje i gastronomija prezentirana je ponuda klastera sjeverozapadne Istre. Tako plava boja lepeze predstavlja sunce, ?isto more, pla?e, nauti?ki turizam te neizostavnu ponudu wellnessa u Novigradu. Naran?astom se bojom ?eli naglasiti sport u Novigradu a Novigrad promovirati kao destinaciju za aktivan odmor. Upravo je zahvaljuju?i brojnim ulaganjima u sportske objekte i doga?anja sjeverozapadna Istra postala atraktivnom destinacijom za aktivni odmor. Prirodne ljepote, kampovi te aktivnosti za opu?tanje kao ?to je ?etnja predstavljene su zelenom bojom. Naposljetku sjeverozapadna Istra okuplja neke od najboljih vinara i restorana u Hrvatskoj pa se ljubi?astom bojom Novigrad predstavlja kao destinacija gourmeta i vina. Ova tema ujedno predstavlja zabavna doga?anja u Novigradu i najavljuje doga?anja u regiji; voditi Vas u posjet gastronomskim manifestacijama, fe?tama posve?enim namirnicama, hrani, maslinovom ulju ili vinu te raznim priredbama, koncertima i sportskim doga?anjima. U sklopu projekta razvoja brand imid?a destinacije Novigrad izra?en je i portal koji na jednom mjestu objedinjuje sve informacije potrebne za planiranje odmora na podru?ju sjeverozapadne Istre. Portal je aktivan od lipnja 2011. godine i zada?a mu je da kroz ve? spomenutu lepezu boja Colours of Istria predstavlja najbolje od onoga ?to gradovi sjeverozapadne Istre i njihove okolice nude posjetiteljima. Portal nudi kompletnu ponudu smje?taja na podru?ju sjeverozapadne Istre. Na podru?ju Novigrada tako se nudi smje?taj u hotelima, malim i obiteljskim hotelima, kampovima, apartmanskim naseljima te ponudu privatnog smje?taja. Novi brend, slogan i portal Buja "U svim bojama Istre" U sklopu razvoja brand imid?a destinacije Buje tijekom 2010. godine izra?en je novi vizualni i verbalni identitet turisti?ke destinacije. Brand je razvijen suradnjom turisti?kih zajednica gradova Umag, Novigrad, Brtonigla i Buja te hotelijera Istraturist Umag i Laguna Novigrad. Novi brand destinacije Buje predstavlja ve? prepoznatljiva lepeza u ?etiri boje; plava, naran?asta, zelena i ljubi?asta, od kojih svaka boja predstavlja jednu od specifi?nosti sjeverozapadne Istre. Novi brand osna?en je i novim sloganom: Colours of Istria - U svim bojama Istre koji komunicira kluster sjeverozapadne Istre koji u svojim bojama prezentira svoje specifi?nosti i diferencijaciju unutar Istre. Kroz teme wellness i more, sport i zabava, priroda i kampiranje i hrana i vino prezentirana je ponuda Buja kao i ?itavog klastera sjeverozapadne Istre. Prva, plava boja na lepezi predstavlja sunce, more, pla?e, nauti?ki turizam a tu je i neizostavna ponuda wellnessa u Bujama. Regija sjeverozapadne Istre postala je poznata po svojoj sportskoj ponudi i doga?anjima. To ponajprije mo?e zahvaliti ulaganjima u sportske objekte i manifestacije. Na podru?ju Buja tako?er treba istaknuti biciklizam te slikovite pje?a?ko- biciklisti?ke staze. Sport u Bujama i regiji predstavljam je naran?astom bojom na lepezi. Priroda i kampiranje predstavljeni su zelenom temom koja ukazuje na brojne prirodne ljepote, opu?tanje u prirodi i mogu?nou za kampiranjem. Naglasak je stavljen na brigu o o?uvanju okoli?a i visoke ekolo?ke standarde u poslovanju kampova. Regija sjeverozapadne Istre okuplja neke od najboljih restorana, vinara i maslinara u Hrvatskoj stoga je tu i ljubi?asta boja - hrana i vino. Gastronomija u Bujama predstavljena je kroz pri?e o istarskom tartufu, doma?im fu?ima i njokima, istarskom pr?utu te brojnim drugim delicijama. Ljubi?asta boja ujedno predstavlja i zabavu u Bujama i najavljuje doga?anja u regiji. Gosti tako imaju prilike u?ivati u brojnim glazbenim, sportskim i gastro manifestacijama ili oku?ajte sre?u u nekoj od elitnih kockarnica. Razvoj branda i slogana prati i objava portala Colours of Istria. Portal je aktivan od lipnja 2011. godine. Karakteristika portala je da je na jednom mjestu predstavljena bogata ponuda gradova sjeverozapadne Istre i njihovih zale?a. Tako?er, portal Colours of Istria nudi cjelokupnu ponudu smje?taja za podru?je sjeverozapadne Istre. Buje je u svojoj ponudi smje?taja obuhvatio hotelski smje?taj, smje?taj u malim i obiteljskim hotelima, kampiranje te privatni smje?taj. Novi brend, slogan i portal Bronigle "U svim bojama Istre" Ukupnu ponudu Brtonigle kao turisti?kog odredi?ta Istre ?eli se podignuti na vi?u razinu, me?u ostalim i s ciljem produljenja turisti?ke sezone. Turisti?ka zajednica Brtonigle, u suradnji sa turisti?kim zajednicama ostalih gradova klastera sjeverozapadne Istre (Umag, Novigrad i Buje) te hotelijera Istraturist Umag

Monday, November 25, 2019

Learn To Sing O Holy Night in Spanish

Learn To Sing O Holy Night in Spanish These are Spanish lyrics to the popular Christmas hymn O Holy Night. The hymn was originally written in 1843 in French as Minuit, chrà ©tiens (Midnight, Christians) by Placide Cappeau, and multiple versions exist in both Spanish and English. Oh santa noche Oh noche santa de estrellas refulgentes,esta es la noche en que el salvador nacià ³.Tanto esperà ³ el mundo en su pecado,hasta que Dios derramà ³ su inmenso amor. Un canto de esperanza, al mundo regocija,por el que ilumina una nueva maà ±anaponte de rodillas, escucha reverente. ¡Oh noche divina! Cristo nacià ³. ¡Oh noche divina! nacià ³ Jesà ºs. Guà ­a la luz de fe, serenamente,de corazà ³n ante su trono a adorar.Oro, incienso y mirra antaà ±o le trajeron,la vida hoy le entregamos sin dudar. Al rey de reyes cantamos esta nochey su amor eterno proclame nuestra voz,todos ante à ©l, delante su presenciapostrados ante el rey, a nuestro Rey.Al Rey de los siglos, adoracià ³n. Nos enseà ±Ãƒ ³ amarnos uno al otro;su voz fue amor, su evangelio es paz.Nos hizo libres del yugo y las cadenasde opresià ³n, que en su nombre destruyà ³. De gratitud y gozo, dulces himnos cantael corazà ³n humilde que a toda voz proclama: ¡Cristo el salvador!  Ã‚ ¡Cristo el Seà ±or!Por siempre y para siempre, todo el honorla gloria y el poder, sean para à ©l. English Translation of Spanish Lyrics O holy night of brilliant stars,this is the night in which the savior was born.The world in its sin waited so longuntil God poured out his immense love. A song of hope, the world rejoicesfor he who brightens the new morning.Kneel, listen reverently.O night divine! Christ was born.O night divine, Jesus was born. The light of faith serenely guidesour hearts before His throne to adore him.Gold, incense, and myrrh they once brought him.Our lives today we unhesitatingtly hand over to him. We sing to the king of kings this night,and our voice proclaims his eternal love.All before him, before his presence,prostrate before the king, our king,giving adoration to the king of the ages. He teaches us to love one another;his voice was love, his gospel is peace.He made us free of the yoke and chainsof oppression, which he destroyed in his name. Out of gratitude and joy, the humble heartsings sweet hymns, in full voice proclaiming:Christ the savior! Christ the Lord!Forever and ever, all the honor,the power, and the glory are for him. Grammar and Vocabulary notes Oh: This interjection is used roughly the same as the English oh or the poetic o. Santa: Santa is the singular feminine form of santo, which has more than a dozen meanings. Its the word for saint, and as an adjective it often means virtuous or holy. Tanto: Tanto is a common adjective used in making comparison, often meaning so or so much. In standard Spanish, tanto is shortened to tan to function as an adverb, but here the longer version is retained for poetic reasons. Nacià ³: This is a past-tense form of nacer, to be born. An inverted word order (cuando nacià ³ nuestro rey instead of cuando nuestro rey nacià ³) is used here for poetic purposes. El que: El que is often translated as he who or that which. Note that there is no accent mark on the el. Ponte: Ponte combines pon (an imperative form of poner) with the reflexive pronoun te. Ponerse de rodillas typically means to kneel. Sin dudar: Sin typically means without, while dudar is a common verb meaning to question or to doubt. So the phrase sin dudar can be used to mean without hesitation. Hizo: Hizo is a past-tense form of hacer, which is highly irregular. The verb nearly always means to make or to do. Dulce: Like the English word sweet, dulce can be used to refer to the taste of something or a personal quality. Siempre: Siempre is a common adverb meaning always. There is no significant difference in meaning between por siempre and para siempre; both can be translated as for always. The repetition here is for poetic emphasis, much like we might say for ever and ever in English. Sean: Sean is a subjunctive form of ser, a verb usually meaning to be.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Assessing and Changing Organizational Culture

This report aims at critically analyzing the purpose of NAB, its mission for 2016 and the corporate social responsibilities it carries out. The report further examines the organization culture enshrined in this bank and a further evaluation of the suitability of the organization culture adopted. NAB’s main purpose is to provide banking services to the Australian businesses. It provides banking services in the whole of Australia in different sectors including health, government, agribusiness and community banking. This purpose is aimed at making NAB the best banking institution in Australia and New Zealand. The institution maintains its reputation in the banking sector through the formation of the NAB group of companies. The NAB group of companies are found in Australia New Zealand, Asia, Europe and the USA. Their main functions are geared towards ensuring efficiency in the provision of banking and other financial services. Some of their functions are as follows. First, the NAB group of companies work to connect daily with millions of customers across Asia Australia New Zealand and the USA. They offer credit facilities and financial services to both retailers and whole sellers in these countries. Secondly, NAB group of companies, offer private banking to individuals. Individuals can open personal accounts in its branches and enjoy the financial services, (NAB, 2016). In addition to this, Nab group of companies also provide institutional financials services to both public and private institutions. Third, provide wholesale banking services. This is majorly practiced by NAB situated in the US. They also provide treasury activities and institutional banking services. The NAB group of companies provides consistent financial advice to its customers. They offer financial consultancy services to the customers whenever they visit their offices. NAB’s mission for 2016 is to become the best financial services provider in Australia-US, New Zealand, and Asia. A mission statement should be clear and understandable, (Salem, 2008, p. 25). This mission make a difference by its core values of honesty, teamwork and integrity in providing financial services, (NAB, 2016). It plans to achieve this mission by maintaining a strong balance sheet, improving the customer satisfaction and experience and maintaining good performance in its New Zealand and Australian businesses. NAB has developed profit-oriented goals that have enabled it to win the trust of many customers. These goals have also made NAB to be preferred by many organizations both private and public. Many organizations now create accounts with NAB. Some of the ways used by NAB to achieve these goals are as follows. First, Creation of NAB Flik. NAB Flik is a mobile application that has been developed by this bank to enable its customers to request and send money easily. It makes the whole process of requesting for money and sending money simple, (NAB, 2016). This application can be used to send money to any inhabitant of Australia.   Secondly, sending money to a Facebook friend. People can now send money to Facebook friends. This is social media banking, (Senadheera, 2011).By using the NAB Flik, a customer can send money to another’s Facebook account. Someone does not need to know an account number to send money. This makes it more convenient. Third, Internet banking. In the global ma rket, internet banking is a major trend. NAB has widely ventured in internet banking making it easier to send and receive funds. It is also easier, quicker and cost-effective to operate. NAB consists of NAB group of companies which are located in Australia, Asia, Europe and the USA and New Zealand. The Nab group in austral connects several customers across the wholesale and retail business, (NAB, 2016). They also conduct both private banking and institutional banking services. The Group of companies is geographically spread to tap more customers. They also make it easy to access the branches for any financial assistance needed by customers. According to (Tallon, 2007, p. 225), the general environment refers to a range of external factors that influence the performance of an organization. The organization does not always have direct control over these external factors. Some of these factors include technology, economic conditions, demography political forces and legal factors. The main general environment element attributable to National Australia Bank is technology. Technology is the application of science in the business sector. It mainly involves using scientific equipment’s in executing transactions and customer service, in the financial sector, (Tallon, 2007, p. 227). There has been a rapid advancement in technology in the field of business and banks should make attempts to keep up with this advancement. Some of the issues associated with technology include internet marketing, internet banking, increased cybercrimes, mobile banking and increased awareness. Technological advancements have resulted in increased competition both in the banking sector and the business world as a whole.   NAB has tried to embrace technology through the development of technologically sensitive financial services, (NAB, 2016). Some of these services have been enabled by NAB Flik and internet marketing. NAB Flik has encouraged mobile banking improving the efficiency of customer delivery. Internet banking has also simplified the banking process by making it easy to create accounts and conduct transactions through the internet, (AbuShanab, 2007, p. 95). However, some major technological trends have currently emerged. These trends must be taken into consideration by this bank for it to remain competitive. Some of these trends are as follows. Competition is a major factor associated with technology. A company must, therefore, embrace technology to remain competitive. Going by the improvement in technology the technological giants like Google, Facebook Amazon and Apple could invest into the banking sector and outdo most of the banks since they have a good customer base. Most of the consumers use Google apple and amazon, (Au, 2008, p. 160). This improvement has been executed by Apple which has launched the Apple pay. According to Kracheel, 2014, p. 18)), Apple pay is a mobile payment developed by Apple Company, in its attempt to get into the financial sector. Other companies such as Samsung have also promised to follow suit. Soon Facebook Twitter and Amazon will also get into the financial sector. It is only Barclays bank which has invested into this internet banking service by developing its wallet called Pingit. According to, Bhatti (2015), digital banks are banks whose services are mainly offered through the internet. The emergence of digital banks may challenge most existing banks like NAB since they may have the ability to mobilize more customers to have an account with them.In the UK, the likes of Mondo, Atom Sterling, and Tandem, offer alternative financial services that may exert a lot of pressure on the existing banks. NAB is also not an exception as it has to compete effectively to maintain its profits and expand globally. In 2015, blockchains made tremendous profits through the offering of its bitcoin crypto currencies. This can continue to grow to make it make more profits in subsequent years. This makes it a major competitor of banks. Many banks have also launched investigations on how they can make use of these Block chain applications in their business, (Bornholdt, 2014, p. 1403). NAB is also not an exception to this it needs to venture into these applications to continue operating profitably. Wearable applications are applications installed on wearable items. Some wearable items include digital watches and bangles. Many banks have tested wearable applications on smart watches. Apple Company has also launched the Apple Watch which is a smart watch that can support most banking apps, (Kracheel, 2014, p. 19). These are new digital channels that would make banks evolve more in their operations and increase their profitability. If most banks install these apps, then NAB may have a difficult time keeping up with other banks. NAB should, therefore, take these technological improvements into account and adjust to them accordingly. Going digital is a major step in improving profitability in business. The world has technologically advanced in business, (Martins, 2014, p. 3). Therefore, this bank should stay informed about the current developments in the financial sector. It should also make use of the Bit chain applications such as unit coins to increase its profits. Globalization is a major trend associated with technology. Since most technology giants like Apple are investing in the financial sector, there is a great possibility that they may out-compete most of the banks. NAB should, therefore, expand its services to other continents apart from Australia and Asia. It should also develop operations in Africa and China. Staying informed is a major determinant of success. This can be done through consistent environmental evaluation. Environmental scanning is a systematic evaluation of the environment to obtain a better understanding of the major stakeholders in the environment. Nab should constantly practice environmental analysis to identify major technological changes and adapt to them timely. There are smart watches that support banking apps. One of these watches was developed by Apple Company. The bank should adopt these wearable apps to increase the efficiency of its services. Specific environment entails suppliers, customers, competitors and industry regulations that are specific and unique to an entity, and directly impacts on how the entity conducts its business. These factors always affect the organization directly. An organization should, therefore, formulate proper ways of dealing with these factors. Competition is the major critical factor affecting National Australia Bank. Competitors can be potential or current. Current competitors are individuals and organizations which offer the same products or services like those offered by a specific organization, (Drake, 2006, p. 1448). On the other hand, potential competitors are people or organizations that have the capability of offering the same products or services being offered by a certain organization. An organization should, therefore, be aware of its current and potential competitors to operate efficiently, Drake, 2006, p. 1448). In the banking sector, especially in Australia, competition is a major determinant of profitability. NAB should, therefore, be aware of its key competitors and make proper adjustments to be more competitive. Some impacts competition may have on this bank are discussed below; Banks are developing more complicated competition strategies. Some major on internet banking while others venture in developing more branches and increasing global operations as a major weapon for competition. Most banks are growing global, by expanding their branches worldwide. However, NAB has been slow in executing branch expansions. It has not expanded into some continents like Africa. Shortly, there may be more competition that may make this bank unable to enter into new markets and expand its operations. Expansion of services is a major tool used by most organizations to gain competition. Some organizations such as Apple are now expanding into the financial sector, (Rodriguez, 2015, p. 311). Samsung has also made attempts to enter the financial market to provide financial services. New entries into the market may deprive this bank of some potential customers. Some customers may also migrate from NAB to new financial service providers entering the market. Foreign Banks are entering into Foreign Deposit Markets. NAB has not properly expanded its operations globally. Globalization is a key factor in determining competition. Since many foreign banks are now investing in online deposit services, they may out compete for this bank as this bank has not developed a good background in foreign online deposits market. Competitive Forces may cause Decline in Net Interest Margin. Development of several banks operating in Australia Asia and Europe makes it difficult for this bank to obtain a competitive advantage. Some banks have also lowered their interests on loans and mortgages. This has made some customers migrate from NAB to other banks to enjoy the low-interest rates. In the near feature, NAB may also be forced to decrease its interest margins to maintain its customers. This may lead the bank into financial crisis. Entry of non-banking Companies into Financial Sector. Some non-banking companies such as Apple have now started offering financial services. Apple is a well-established company with a good customer based, (Kim, 2015, p. 527). NAB may, therefore, experience stiff competition from such companies that may lead to a decrease in its profitability. To develop customer preference, a company should use more customer friendly procedures. Customer friendly procedures are processes which maximize customers’ interests, (Moroko, 2008, p. 170). NAB should incorporate procedures that would simplify transactions and make transacting with the bank cheaper as compared to other banks. This may enable it to develop customer loyalty. When customers feel satisfied with the services of a company, they will try to stick to the company. Customer satisfaction is achieved by the company through offering proper services to the customers, practicing integrity and being honest with the customers, (Rauben, 2008, p. 91). NAB can use this strategy to gain a competitive advantage over other banks. NAB should do a continuous environmental evaluation to identify its competitors and make proper adjustments. Environmental scanning enables an organization to understand better the environmental variables influencing its operations, Khan, 2009, p. 346). This activity is, therefore, more appropriate to the bank in its attempt to identify its competitors. The bank should carry out a SWOT analysis. This would enable it identify the threats to its proper operation and act on them. SWOT analysis enables organizations to identify the opportunities in the environment and act on them, (Mangel, 2007, p. 22221). The bank will, therefore, be able to determine its major opportunities and act on them through this analysis. Practice corporate social responsibility Caring for the community is a major determinant of success of an organization. A company that conducts this activity develops trust from the community in the long run, (Dhawliwal, 2011, p. 61). NAB should, therefore, practice corporate social responsibility to develop trust among the community members and obtain more customers. There are two major approaches to ethics and social responsibility. Some companies adopt egoism, whereby they only practice corporate social responsibility if it maximizes the profits of the entity, (Ryan, 2016, p. 25). However, NAB has always adopted utilitarianism approach to ethics and social responsibility. It has always ensured the welfare of its customers and the community as a whole is taken care of. This approach advocates for maximization of moral good of the community. It states that a decision or activity should result in maximum good to the society. (Ping, 2007, p. 14). NAB has always adopted this approach to ethics by carrying out the following corporate social responsibility activities; The company encourages its staff members to conduct volunteer activities. It promotes this by offering its employees with two days volunteer to leave, NAB, 2016). In their volunteer activities, the staff members extend assistance to the poor and elderly in Australia. The bank supports the ovarian research foundation in its work of detecting and control of ovarian cancer. It does this by giving cash donations and resources for conducting anti-cancer campaigns. NAB conducts several activities that aim at improving the lives of the community members in Australia. It provides cash donations to groups and offers financial literacy training to members of the community, (NAB, 2016). This has helped to promote a positive relationship between this bank and the members of the community. The NAB staff are key volunteers in environmental conservation and prevention of pollution. They volunteer to clean the environment and stop any signs of environmental pollution, (NAB, 2016). For example, the staff members are allowed to self-nominate as environment ambassadors and work to make difference in their working environment as a whole. It conducts Charity Partner Programs The most current example of this program is based in Ireland. The program brings together staff members investors and other financiers to contribute towards charity. Some of the charity contributions are aimed at supporting cancer treatment and prevention of child abuse and cruelty. Organization culture refers to the values and beliefs that drive the operations of an organization. These values determine the way the organization operates. (Gregory, 2009, p. 674). The best organization for me to work in should have the following principals. First, openness and honesty. A good organization culture for me to work in should embrace openness and honesty. Issues should be discussed openly to promote confidence in the organization. (Glisson, 2007, p. 740). Honesty is also a vital aspect of an organization culture since it promotes trust in the organization. Secondly, teamwork and collaboration. I would like to work in an organization that embraces teamwork and collaboration. The staff members should help each other in times of problems. This promotes efficiency in executing tasks in the organization. Third, Respect and fairness. I would like to work in an organization where I am respected. My rights and values should be taken into consideration. Human rights should be given priority when designing organization culture. (Ardchvili, 2009, p. 450). The organization should also be able to embrace my personality and treatment with respect. Fourth, Simplicity, speed and efficient fulfillment of promises. This is a major value I would consider before joining an organization. Promised rewards should be given in time, my salaries or wages should not be delayed without proper reasons. This is because compensation is a major determinant of motivation. NAB has a clearly outlined organization culture, based on honesty and openness, fairness, simplicity, speed teamwork and efficient execution of promises. These values are exactly what I would look for before joining any organization. Honesty and inclusive are major requirements of a good culture, (Christensen, 2007). Going by these values, I believe that I can fit in this organization. According to Atiku (2016, p. 26), a proper organization culture is one that encourages inclusive, honesty and teamwork. These characteristics are all embraced by NAB. Nab is, therefore, a good organization, which respects the rights of its employees in the workplace and ensures that each employee is treated unique according to personalities held. National Australia Bank is a bank with a clear purpose and mission. It also conducts socially responsible activities as embraced by its culture of support and respect to the community. NAB is, therefore, a good bank for me to work with since it is aligned with my career objectives and specifications of my organization culture of interest. However, the company is still faced with competition as the critical factor. The NAB profit margins have reduced due to loss of customers to its major competitors. Therefore, this report recommends that the bank should adopt the competition strategies being used by the rival companies. Abushanab, E. & Pearson, J.M., (2007). Internet Banking In Jordan: The Unified Theory of Acceptance & Use of Technology (Utaut) Perspective. Journal of Systems & Information Technology, 9(1), Pp.78-97. Ardichvili, A., Mitchell, J.A. & Jondle, D., (2009). Characteristics of Ethical Business Cultures. Journal of Business Ethics, 85(4), Pp.445-451. Atiku, S.O. & Fields, Z., 2016. The Relationship between Entrepreneurial Culture & Sustainable Competitive Advantage in the Banking Sector. Journal of Economics & Behavioral Studies, 8(2), Pp.26-39. Au, Y.A. & Kauffman, R.J., (2008). The Economics of Mobile Payments: Understanding Stakeholder Issues For an Emerging Financial Technology Application. Electronic Commerce Research & Applications, 7(2), Pp.141-164. Bhatti, T., (2015). 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Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Newspaper's editorial evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Newspaper's editorial evaluation - Essay Example Bush's repeated and emphatic claim that Hussein had already developed WMDs, which he possessed and was prepared to use-a bogus claim that the mainstream media, led by the Times' own Judith Miller, largely accepted as an article of faith and bolstered with credulous reports based on faulty information.The purpose of this editorial article of the New York Times is to convince the audience that the revision of stance by the New York Times with respect to the Iraq War does not absolve them from the culpability of misleading their readers of their initial position. The editorial article attempts to show that the arguments expounded by President Bush that Iraq had nuclear weapons were not compelling. There are other ways to prove and investigate to determine if Iraq indeed had nuclear weapons.The argument appeared as an opinion piece in the New York Times and is written in a familiar style appropriate to that context. The style is formal and the author rarely adopted emotionally charged la nguage, writing in a mostly composed, brief and judicious style. Its simplicity and clarity is a veritable proof of strength of the argument, since many readers will have varied views on the Iraq War. This text was written in a respectful way that will not annoy the key officials of the Bush Administration.The use of persuasive language is well-defined and well-chosen. The argument is neither bombastic nor incendiary in its approach of the subject matter. For instance, the use of the phrase "Iraqi WMDs as a "possibility" is a way of making the mistake of NYT stand on the Iraq War less horrendous. The main argument has three premises. The first two premises present the stand of President George Bush, the UN Security Council, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair and the New York Times on the justification for the invasion of Iraq. The third premise focused on the change of stand by the NYT on the Iraq War brought about by the lack of physical evidence of the Weapons of Mass Destruction WMD). This is a positive premise since the article bases its argument on the subsequent UN reports on the presence of WMD in Iraq. However, these three premises are still weak. They do not support the conclusion that NYT and US President George Bush are culpable for their stand. There is a need to add many supporting premises such as the number of military casualties (US and

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Terrorism Surveillance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Terrorism Surveillance - Essay Example However, there are concerns arising that are focused on the states intrusion into people’s privacy and have stirred up a major controversy. One can, hence, wonder just how far the government should go with their surveillance and are there any regulatory measures that can see to it that people’s privacy is upheld. The following essay will focus on the threats that the new surveillance technologies have posed to innocent individuals. Also, it will give insight on whether or not these technologies can be regulated, whether or not giving up some liberties for general safety is necessary and if the same measures should be applied locally and internationally. Lastly it will offer an analysis on the probability of the measurements being used by authoritarian regimes in the future. Electronic surveillance, when employed as a means for law enforcement, national security, domestic relations or industrial espionage has a potential of restricting and, in due course, negating the citizens right to be let alone. The history of the random uses to which the technology has been used on the domestic level, suggests that individuals such as the American citizens, are vastly susceptible to violations on rights to individual privacy. The United States’ first, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, ninth, fourteenth and the eighteenth amendments, to some lengths, forbids arbitrary as well as unlawful invasions to privacy. Shortly after the 9/11 terrorism act, the United States Congress passed some security measures that were well intended but in various ways violate the citizen’s privacy. For example, the PATRIOT Act exceedingly increased the federal governments power to collect and analyze personal information related to the United States’ citizens. While the su pporters of the motion indicate that the wider surveillance bodies are expected to disclose and eliminate terrorism plans, the opponents argue that the extended powers violate

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Impact Of Motivational Rewards on Employees Essay Example for Free

Impact Of Motivational Rewards on Employees Essay MOTIVATION: Internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in people to be continually interested and committed to a job, role or subject, or to make an effort to attain a goal. Motivation results from the interaction of both conscious and unconscious factors such as the (1) intensity of desire or need, (2) incentive or reward value of the goal, and (3) expectations of the individual and of his or her peers. These factors are the reasons one has for behaving a certain way. An example is a student that spends extra time studying for a test because he or she wants a better grade in the class. MOTIVATION IN BUSINESS: Companies can motivate employees to do a better job than they otherwise would. Incentives that can be offered to staff include increased pay or improved working conditions. Motivational theories suggest ways to encourage employees to work harder. A motivated workforce results in: Increased output caused by extra effort from workers. Improved quality as staff take a greater pride in their work. A higher level of staff retention. Workers are keen to stay with the firm and also reluctant to take unnecessary days off work. Managers can influence employee motivation in a variety of ways: Monetary factors: some staff work harder if offered higher pay. Non monetary factors: other staff respond to incentives that have nothing to do with pay, eg improved working conditions or the chance to win promotion. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Reward Systems is a vital aspect of any organization. They can actively engage and renew the overall sense of community and mission of an organization Reward systems according to Sziligyi [1981], are outcomes or events in the organization that satisfy work related needs. Rewards systems are much more than just bonus plans and stock options but while they often include intrinsic incentives, they also include extrinsic. A well-organized reward system will motivate and energize employees because it recognizes the achievements of employees . Reward system implemented by organization will  influence employees’ behavior and attitude towards their job if the rewards satisfy their needs and help them to reach their personal goals. When employees desire to get the rewards, they will change their behavior in order to achieve the minimum level of performance required by organization. Organizations often design and implement the reward system without linking it with the ultimate improvement of organization’s performance .Therefore, the reward system is unable to contribute significantly to the performance of an organization Motivation is such a factor that exerts a driving force on our actions and work. According to Baron (1983) motivation is an accumulation of different processes which influence and direct our behavior to achieve some specific goal. Motivation depends on certain intrinsic, as well as, extrinsic factors which in collaboration results in fully committed employees. Incentives, rewards and recognitions are the prime factors that impact on employee motivation. The factors like incentives and rewards are the most preferred factors for employee motivation programs Rewards is one of the important elements to motivate employees for contributing their best effort to generate innovation ideas that lead to better business functionality and further improvise company performance both financial and non-financially. Today an organizations result is highly dependent on the employees work motivation. It is therefore important for a company to find out what motivates its employees so that it can plan a suitable reward system and gain better results. The right combination of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards can boost up the employees work motivation and enhance their commitment to the company. COMPANY PROFILES: KASBIT: KASBIT Private Limited is the parent body of KASBIT that was established in September 1999, through Registration with Securities Exchange Commission of Pakistan, Government of Pakistan. It is the first Private Sector Institute of Higher Education that was registered as a Corporate body. Since its inception, KASBIT has achieved many a mile-stones that advocate its high standard, excellence and quality recognition. KASBIT is Chartered by the Government of Sindh and recognized by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, which has also awarded the highest category W(4) rating to KASBIT in recognition of the high educational standards that it maintains KASBIT is  recognized by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan and has been awarded the highest ranking of W(A) under whom the standards of educational institutions are scrutinized and evaluated in Pakistan. KASBIT became a member of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), which is based in the US to ensure the quality and continuous improvements in collegiate management education. KASBIT was certified by ISO in January 2002 in recognition of the high quality control system that it has in place. By this virtue, KASBIT became the first ISO-9001 Certified Degree Awarding Institute in the Private Sector of Pakistan. BAHARIA UNIVERSITY: Pakistan Navy established Bahria Institute at Islamabad and Karachi in the late eighties. These Institutes were aimed at providing quality and uninterrupted education up to Intermediate level, to the children of naval personnel on their transfer from one station to another and in turn to contribute to the cause of promotion of education at the national level. Over the years these Institutes grew in size and facilities, leading to the starting of BBA and B.Sc(CS) classes in 1995. These programs have since been upgraded to BBA (Hons), BCS (Hons) and MBA, MCS Program which were introduced in Fall 1997 as evening programs run under the management of two independent Institutes one each at Karachi and Islamabad respectively. The institutes are known as Bahria Institute of Management and Computer Science short title BIMCS suffixed with the location i.e. Karachi or Islamabad. Objectives: Bahria University, though very young, has the will and determination to develop and attain the objectives set forth below: Ensure academic excellence through quality education in disciplined and peaceful learning environments. Establish Campuses, Research Institutes, Schools and Colleges across the length and breadth of Pakistan to turn population explosion into knowledge based force. Prepare the younger generation to become future leaders and managers for a prosperous and educated Pakistan, through development of their mental, moral and professional strengths. Ensure academic excellence through quality education in disciplined and peaceful learning environments. Constantly monitor and upgrade facilities and update  the curricula to keep pace with the emerging trends and technologies. Coordinate and provide facilities for exchange of knowledge and applied research in the newly emerging fields in collaboration with national and international Universities and research institutes. RES EARCH AREA: Human resource (HR) OBJECTIVE: Find out to what extend does employees performance influenced by motivation PROBLEM STATEMENT: Decreasing Employees performance satisfaction due to lack of motivational factors that drives employee’s productivity level at its best in educational sector. KEY RESEARCH QUESTIONS: 1. What Is the Relationship between Employees Performance and motivation? 2. How many types of motivation that drives employee’s productivity? 3. What Is the Effect of Intrinsic motivation On Employee’s Performance? 4. What is the Effect of Extrinsic motivation On Employee’s Performance? 5. What measures can be taken to increase employee’s motivation level? 6. What are the factors behind the low productivity of employee? 7. What should be the behavior of employer towards the employee’s job satisfaction? INDEPENDENT VARIABLES: Intrinsic Motivation 1. Recognition 2. Learning opportunity 3. Career advancement Extrinsic Motivation 1. Basic Pay 2. Performance Bonus DEPENDENT VARIABLES: EMPLOYEES PERFORMANCE LIMITATION: Insufficient Funds Small sample size Time barrier Hardly possibility that organization will provide authentic information regarding their employees Research can take place only within the city Being a student’s it’s hard to get perfect information regarding their whole scenario of problem DE-LIMITATIONS: Respondents will not provide appropriate response Employees will feel insecure while sharing their organizations’ point of view. Time conscious City situations SCOPE OF THE STUDY: This study will provide a better understanding to employers who have been facing employees low productivity level they can get a better understanding of how motivational factors can influence an employee’s performance level that ultimately helps in growth of organization. This study will helps organization to increase employees performance through a perfect combination of intrinsic or extrinsic motivational factors. And it can be use in different dimension of business where employers are facing low productivity of employees. HYPOTHESIS: H1: Recognition has an impact on Employees Performance. Ho: Recognition has not impact on Employees Performance. H1: learning opportunity has an impact on Employees Performance. Ho: learning opportunity has not impact on Employees Performance. H1: Career advancements have an impact on Employees Performance. Ho: Career advancements have not impact on Employees Performance. H1: Basic Pay has an impact on Employees Performance. Ho: Basic pay has not impact on Employees Performance. H1: Performance bonus has an impact on Employees Performance. Ho: Performance bonus has not impact on Employees Performance.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

About 13 years ago , America wasn't involved in any wars with any nation. Our nation deported not as many immigrants as we do today, and citizens used to get through airport security in five minutes. As we can see a lot can change in little over a decade. Many dramatic changes needed to be changed after September 11th. The 9/11 attack stands alone as a unforgettable moment in United States history, that showed the most influential effects on the America and its citizens. 19 groups of combat that were known to be associated with the Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda hijacked four airliners and carried out suicide attacks against targets in the United States on September 11, 2001 ( "9/11 Attacks."). Two different planes flew into the towers of the New York City, World Trade Center. Meanwhile there was a third plane third plane hit the Pentagon that was outside Washington, D.C. The fourth plane took a wrong turn and crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. Death and destruction came out of the 9/11 attacks. More than 3,000 people were killed during and afterward the attacks in not only New York City but also Washington, D.C., this count did not include the 400 police officers and firefighters who also died.( "9/11 Attacks."). The human tragedy of 9/11 is unbearable and immeasurable. Yet there is another cost, the kind we are known to measuring, which is the economic cost. 9/11 Affected the United states economically. First it started off with the 2001 recession. In 2001, four days after the attack the economy started to drop for the first time since the Great Depression. Between the insurance cost, cost of rebuilding the World Trade Center into a Memorial and Museum, the United States spent a lot of money. New York City, had 430,00... ... higher chance of developing cancer compared to those in the group that was not exposed to the dust. 135 people had cancer in a non-exposed group. This was being compared to 161 smaller sized group (9 /11 Ten Years On - The Health Effects On Rescue Worker). Not all effects of 9/11 were good, but some of them changes the United states for the better. 9/11 was one of the worse days in american history that affected americans economic, security, health, and physiologically. Fortunately, the person who planned this horrible attack was found in 2011 and killed. This was a sense of relief for american people. Yes, people are still scared about future attacks but know that this time the united states know what to do. The 9/11 attack stands alone as a unforgettable moment in United States history, that showed the most influential effects on the America and its citizens.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Age of Exploration Essay

The age of exploration had many varied effects on the countries involved, mainly Spain, France, and England. By establishing a prosperous empire in South America by conquering the native people, Spain became vastly wealthy off of the gold collected by its native subjects. However, since the native people were dying off rapidly due to the foreign diseases brought over by the Conquistadors, as well as malnutrition and fatigue, Spain and Portugal were the first to introduce slavery to the New World by replacing them with African slaves brought over by Portuguese slave traders. The silver mining by these slaves caused world trade to increase. Often, silver brought to Europe from America was then traded with China and other Asian countries, making silk, porcelain, and Indian spices more prevalent in Europe. Products from America that became popular in Europe included corn, potatoes, pineapples, and sugar cane. Many cultures spread and combined with others: Spanish missionaries converted natives to Christianity, which then combined the new Christian beliefs with the natives’ cultural traditions. Another example, Arabian coffee with American sugar became quite popular throughout Europe. Although saying that anyone who crossed the Atlantic (at least when referring to modern theories) truly discovered America is ridiculous, I believe that the first to do so was Leif Eriksson and his group of Vikings whose settlement was found in Canada. According to the Greenlander saga and the Eric saga, his father, Eric the Red, a Viking outlaw, discovered Greenland. In order to establish himself as a man separate from his father, Leif sailed to the west in order to discover his own land. He sailed west because there had been a rumor in Greenland for the past fifteen years of a merchant sailing from Iceland to Greenland whose ship had been blown off course in a storm. According to the rumor, the merchant claimed that there were three separate lands west of Greenland. Around the year 1000, Leif purchased the merchant’s ship from the story, and obtained directions from the same merchant. He set sail only for a few days, which was reportedly was miserable due to the conditions on the open boat. On this expedition, they were seeking trees, which were scare in Greenland, but abundant in what is now northern Newfoundland, Canada, where the party landed. Leif named the new land Vinland after the wild grapes found there and the wine the grapes produced. Shortly thereafter, the settlers began to erect a settlement and scouted the land. In 1960, the archeologist and set out to find the fabled Vinland, using a four hundred year old Icelandic map and descriptions from the sagas. On the very northern tip of Newfoundland, they came across an area of mounds and ruins near a small town. Because the ruins predated the settlement of the area, the locals had always believed that Native Americans created the mounds. In fact, through almost seven years of painstaking excavations and radiocarbon testing, it was proven that the ruins were of a settlement dating back to the year 1000. Various artifacts found at the site also confirmed its Norse origins. Archeologists have gone so far as to pinpoint which ‘house’ was Leif Eriksson’s, based on size and complexity of the structure. I believe that Leif Eriksson was the first to cross the Atlantic and settle in America because of many factors. The radiocarbon dating of the site which puts it at 1000 C. E. immediately eliminates any of the explorers from the age of exploration, as well as the Chinese in 1492, in addition to the obvious implausibility of traveling above Canada in ice riddled waters in a flimsy wooden vessel. A case could perhaps be made for the merchant in the sagas who started the rumor, but as with all epic stories, the Icelanders who were the ones to transcribe the sagas based on oral stories, may have simply added him in as a fictional supporting character. Because of this and other equally plausible scenarios, I have to concede that Leif Eriksson was the first to reach the New World by crossing the Atlantic. There is confusion among certain people about whether America was colonized because of a desire for more money on the part of England or because the colonists were seeking religious freedom from the Roman Catholic Church. This confusion stems mainly from the watered down version of Jamestown and the Mayflower that we teach students at a young age. While it is true that Puritans did indeed come to the New World seeking religious freedom, the initial desire to colonize America was all about the desire for wealth. Because of Spain’s conquests in South America, the gold it had acquired from the natives and silver mining had made the country vastly wealthy and other nations were eager to get their share of the riches. America also had an abundant supply of farmland at a time when many farmers had small farms that they toiled over in an effort to merely support their families. In addition, as more settlers moved to America and created a demand for indulgences that they were accustomed to in Europe, the companies that sold such items made more money because of the higher prices the settlers had to pay in order to accommodate shipping costs. In short, while religious freedom was a noble and idealistic dream, it wouldn’t benefit anyone or make any money, which is what people were chiefly concerned with. How would America be different if it had been settled one hundred years later, in 1592? To begin with, it probably would not be called ‘America’. America is so named after Amerigo Vespucci; however, as he died in 1512, it is unlikely that we would have been named after him. Perhaps we would be named Raleigh, after Walter Raleigh, a British explorer of both North and South America in our actual history. Christopher Columbus would not be in history books, as he would not have been to Raleigh. Native Americans thus would have never been referred to as Indians. Because of our late start as a nation, it is reasonable to assume that certain historical events in our country would be delayed, let us say, fifty years or so. Because colonization was delayed, it would take longer for tensions to raise between the colonists and the French, so the French and Indian War would not have started in 1689, but around 1739 instead. This in turn would delay the Seven years war and thus the taxed imposed by the British that led to the American Revolution, which would now begin in 1825. Thus, we would have the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1826 and become our own country in 1833. Or alternatively, because of the differing technology, we might have lost the war and still been English today. But lets assume that we won and Raleigh was founded. I believe the Civil War would have been delayed as well until 1911, three years before World War One started. Both world wars, because we did not start them, would have happened the same years as they actually did, 1914 and 1939 respectably. However, I believe that the issue of civil and women’s’ rights would have been later in coming, perhaps in the 80’s. We would probably be dealing with racism more than gay rights today, if that were the case. And our music would be behind as well, so 60’s music today would then be 80’s music now.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Area and Volume

Previous exam questions on area between functions and volumes of solids. 1. Let f(x) = cos(x2) and g(x) = ex, for –1. 5 ? x ? 0. 5. Find the area of the region enclosed by the graphs of f and g. (Total 6 marks) 2. Let f(x) = Aekx + 3. Part of the graph of f is shown below. The y-intercept is at (0, 13). (a)Show that A =10. (2) (b)Given that f(15) = 3. 49 (correct to 3 significant figures), find the value of k. (3) (c)(i)Using your value of k, find f? (x). (ii)Hence, explain why f is a decreasing function. iii)Write down the equation of the horizontal asymptote of the graph f. (5) Let g(x) = –x2 + 12x – 24. (d)Find the area enclosed by the graphs of f and g. (6) (Total 16 marks) 3. The following diagram shows the graphs of f (x) = ln (3x – 2) + 1 and g (x) = – 4 cos (0. 5x) + 2, for 1 ? x ? 10. (a)Let A be the area of the region enclosed by the curves of f and g. (i)Find an expression for A. (ii)Calculate the value of A. (6) (b)(i)Find f ? (x). (ii)F ind g? (x). (4) c)There are two values of x for which the gradient of f is equal to the gradient of g. Find both these values of x. (4) (Total 14 marks) 4. The graph of f(x) = , for –2 ? x ? 2, is shown below. The region enclosed by the curve of f and the x-axis is rotated 360Â ° about the x-axis. Find the volume of the solid formed. (Total 6 marks) 5. The graph of y = between x = 0 and x = a is rotated 360Â ° about the x-axis. The volume of the solid formed is 32?. Find the value of a. (Total 7 marks)

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Tragedy of King Lear Essay Example

The Tragedy of King Lear Essay Example The Tragedy of King Lear Essay The Tragedy of King Lear Essay Essay Topic: King Lear A Comparison of Psychological and Physical Deceit and Disguise In many of Shakespearean works, he suggests that appearances are not reflective of reality and uses this idea to develop many subplots in his works. He is notorious for constructing these false identities to advance the plotting and create unsuspecting twists. As his plays progress, different characters employ different strategies to promote their actions, with some opting to psychologically deceive their targets while others select to physically disguise themselves as someone else. Shakespearean King Lear, Is no exception; he portrays this theme through the various disguises of an array of characters that utilize deceit to reach their goals, which range from being supportive to being sinister. This element of deceit and disguise is first established in the opening scene when the reader discovers that King Lear Is planning to delve his kingdom between his three daughters. He tests his daughters by demanding them to proclaim their love for him, with the intentions of awarding the daughter who displays her love to him the best with the largest share of his kingdom. The play as Just begun and Shakespearean theme of fake appearances has already arisen, as the outside appearances that each of the sisters displays for their father is not in accordance with their actual thoughts. General and Reagan, King Learns two oldest daughters, both spin verbose and grandeur explanations about their deep love for him with General starting off by stating, Sir, I love you more than word can wield the matter Beyond all manners of so much I love you (1. 1. 60-67). Reagan then plays off of her sisters lead and begins to say, l am made of that self mettle as my sister And mind I am alone felicitate / In your dear Highness love (1. 1. 76-84). This psychological ploy they use on King Lear seems to work, as he becomes frustrated and dissatisfied with his youngest daughter, Cordilleras, answer. As King Lear waits for her to match her sisters responses, Cornelia refuses to make such comments, asserting that, Unhappy that I am, I cannot heave / My heart into my mouth. I love your Majesty / According to my bond, no more nor less (1. 1. 100-102). As a result of this, King Lear disowns Cornelia, abolishes her from the kingdom and splits the kingdom between the other two sisters. Following this incident, the Earl of Kent, who is the Kings most loyal nobleman and servant, while attempting to reconcile the King about his brash decision to banish Cornelia, is also hastily exiled from the kingdom for giving his opinion on the matter. Here, you can see that King Lear has let his emotions get the best of him as he tells Kent, Five days we do allot thee for provision To shield thee from disasters of the world, And on the sixth to turn thy hated back Thy banished trunk be found in our dominions, The moment is thy death. Away! By Jupiter, This shall not be revoked. (1. . 197-203) Not only has the plans of obtaining the power of the kingdom gone according to their plan, but General and Reagan were also able to unexpectedly rid the kingdom of two of their potential obstacles to the throne: one being Learns favorite daughter, Cornelia, and the other being his most loyal servant, Kent. The aftermath of this sequence of events turns out to play a large role in the future, as the King will soon learn that he made a mistake. Even though this is only the start of psychological deception in the play, the importance of its presence sets the tone for the play and makes it clear that everyone is susceptible to such trickery, even the almighty King. As the plot of King Lear and his daughters begins to develop in the opening scene, we are simultaneously introduced to another one of King Learns nobleman, the Earl of Gloucester. Early on, we learn that Gloucester is an adulterer and has a bastard son, Edmund. In contrast to Edmund is Edgar, Gloucester oldest and legitimate son. At the beginning of the second scene of the Act One, Edmund gives a soliloquy on the lack of respect and class he has received for being a bastard, stating that Thou, Nature, art my goddess Now, gods, stand up for bastards (l. I. 1-23)! Here we learn of Edmunds plan to betray Edgar, by means of a forged letter, which documents Edgers plan to kill his own father. When Gloucester reads the letter, he barely questions the authenticity of the letter and lets his emotions overcome him, O villain, villain! Abominable villain! (l. Ii. 79). Afterwards, Edmund meets up with Edgar and alerts him of the news that Gloucester is livid at Edgar and that he is chasing him. Pretending to be of assistance to Edgar, Edmund suggests that he avoid Gloucester as much as possible and to remain armed in case Gloucester finds him. Here, Edgar naively mistakes Edmunds plan to protect his own brother as a sign of sincerity because of Edmunds ability to swiftly talk coupled with his deceptive nature. This makes it easy for Edmund to take advantage of the trusting and gullible personality of Edgar. In reality, Edmund is merely setting the bait for Gloucester to fully turn his back on Edgar so that Gloucester will anoint Edmund as the next heir to the throne. Edmund succeeds in accomplishing the next step of his plan when he convinces Edgar to flee Gloucester castle as their father approaches the room. Right when Edgar flees, Edmund intentionally wounds his arm, affirming Some blood drawn on me would beget opinion / Of my more fierce endeavor. I have seen drunkards / Do more than this in sport. / Father! Father (11. 1. 36-39)! By framing Edgar for his wounds as he fled the scene, Edmund has now secured Gloucester trust which has led him to the condemnation of Edgers death. As the two plots continue to unravel, more disguises begin to unfold, with one of them being Kent after he was expelled from Learns Kingdom. Instead of double crossing his friends and family like Edmund had, Kent chose to return to Learns kingdom, disguised as an ordinary peasant, even though he had been wronged by Lear. When asked by King Lear who he was, Kent simply replied, A man, sir (l. V. 1 1). Lear seemed to be content with the mans answer and allowed the newly disguised Kent to become his new servant. Even after that Kent was using was not of any importance, his characteristics lead him to be different than almost every character in the play. His role and physical disguise of being a random, selfless person who cares about the well-being of the King over his win safety Juxtaposes the psychological disguise the two sisters, Genera l and Reagan, displayed back in Act One. Even though Kent has no familial relations to the King, he cared more about the King than the Kings own two daughters did. Not only did the two sisters deceive Lear into dividing his kingdom amongst them, but they both treated Lear with disrespect and banished him from their respective kingdoms. One cannot simply put a price Kens loyalty to King Lear, even after being expatriated by the King. Much like Kent, Edgar was also forced away from his kingdom ND was required to disguise himself as a means of protection. Under the name of Poor Tom, Edgar disguised himself as a beggar; however, unlike Kent, Edgers entire persona changed. In an aside, we learn that throughout Edgers time as a homeless man, there was no possibility that life could have been worse for him And worse I may be yet. The worst is not / So long as we can say This is the worst (IV. I. 30-31). It is only during his time as a homeless man that he knows that life couldnt get any worse. Such logic would make sense in this situation because it is only at a mans utmost lowest point where he becomes the true essence of what he is. With that being said, by spending time as a beggar and being homeless, Edgers body is stripped away to the very pith of his being and it is there that he finds what he is truly made of. When Edgar has almost fully adjusted to his new life as a homeless bum, he then sees his father, Gloucester, walking towards him, but without any eyes. Here, Gloucester believes that Edgar is Poor Tom and also divulges that he knows that Edgar is innocent and that it was Edmund who was behind everything. Gloucester hen asks Edgar to lead him to Dover, where There is a cliff, whose high and bending head / Looks fearfully in the confined deep shall no leading need (IV. Ii. 83-88). At this point in the play, I was puzzled as to why Edgar did not disclose his real identity to his father, but I believe that it all boiled down to his father condemning him to death, which would always be hard to forgive. Edgar would eventually deceive Gloucester by not letting him commit suicide and Jump off of the cliffs of Dover, but instead Jump onto flat ground. This means of deception was a necessity to prevent Gloucester from killing himself which was easily diverted. After experiencing so many life-altering events, Edgar had finally grown into and found his new identity. Having become encapsulated in this new physical disguise that he had finally developed into, it ultimately gave him the strength and mental fortitude to face and defeat his brother in the final scene. By creating and interweaving these deceptions and disguises amongst all the characters, Shakespeare is able to more effectively develop the characters of the play. Much like the formal title, The Tragedy of King Lear, it was tragic and quite ironic that at the end of the play neither Kent nor Edgar got a chance to adequately reveal their true identities that were hiding beneath their disguises to both King Lear and Gloucester. Lear was far too delusional to understand Kens explanation that he was the Kings new servant due to the combination of his uneasy mental state along with Cordilleras corpse in his arms, whereas we learn that Gloucester died from shock when Edgar attempted to reveal Shakespeare ends the play with only three surviving characters, leaving the reader to contemplate the mystery of their futures.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Judicial precedent Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Judicial precedent - Essay Example â€Å"Judicial precedent means the process whereby judges follow previously decided cases where the facts are of sufficient similarity. The doctrine of judicial precedent involves an application of the principle of stare decisis. In practice stare decisis means, inferior courts are bound to apply the legal principles set down by the superior courts in earlier cases (Tufal, p.1). The words stare decisis means standing by previous decisions. In other words, once a verdict has given by an upper court in a particular case, that verdict should be applied to all future cases of similar nature. It should be noted that only the verdicts given by the upper courts will come under judicial precedent. The verdicts or judgement of previous cases often considered seriously by the courts before making the final verdicts in the existing cases. Advocates often remind the courts about the verdicts of previous cases of they feel such verdicts help them in one way or another in the existing cases. It i s a common practice that lower courts will never try to change the verdicts of upper courts. So, lower courts will always try to follow the judgement of upper courts if the cases handled by them are similar in nature. There are two types of precedent existing; binding and persuasive. The reasons for reaching a particular judgement are often included in the final judgement. The judge will explain which factors forced him to arrive at the final verdict. â€Å"The reasons which are necessary for them to reach their decision amount to the ratio decidendi of the case. The ratio decidendi forms the legal principle which is a binding precedent meaning it must be followed in future cases containing the same material facts† (Judicial Precedent). The terms ratio decidendi means reason for decision. In short, binding precedent is mandatory while lower courts take decisions. On the other hand, persuasive precedence is not so. In persuasive precedence, Judges can decide whether they shoul d follow or not follow past verdicts. It should be noted that a judgement includes, many binding and not binding elements. All the binding elements should be followed in future cases whereas other elements need not be followed later. Thus, binding precedence is compulsory whereas persuasive precedence is not compulsory for the lower courts while taking decisions. Judicial precedence helps judges in deciding; Are the cases, for instance: (a) sufficiently similar that the decision of case (1) should be applied in case (2)?; or (b) sufficiently different that the decision of case (1) should not be applied (never mind be considered binding) in case (2)?; or (c) are the factual differences of minimal significance so that case (1) is likely to be applied to case (2)?; or (d) are the facts different, but the principle underlying the decisions in the cases similar? This can be a difficult one. Here you need to be sure what was the principle that was established in the past case: does the re asoning— the ‘why?’—in the past case apply to the second even though the facts differ? In some instances this may even involve using one case in, say, shipping law, to answer a question about the liability of a fairground company to a local authority in the law of contract (The Doctrine of Judicial Precedent, p.155) Judicial precedence helps courts in many ways. It should be no

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Portfolio - Essay Example Hence, for a nation to be in the investment map, it must necessarily improve its diplomatic relations with developed markets and to offer incentives to access investment opportunities for foreign capital (Morrisset, 2000). Economists posit that FDI can possibly be infused if a country would a bit lower its protectionist policy to improve its macroeconomic performance and permeate the increase of growth rate in its domestic economy (Harrison, 1996). This refers about the need for more effort to make a specific region more attractive for investments. It’s argued that an increase in investment auger well for sustainable economic development within the region (Harrison, 1996). Such is possible if financial resources from domestic and international finance communities are integrated within a specific region or nation which opens its borders to world economy (Morrisset, 2000). However, countries adherent to borderless economy are clothe with policies protective of foreign investors and of enhancing human capital. A country interested of maximizing FDI for economic growth must improve its system of governance and domestic economic conditions, to increase the rate of its credibility at the international scale (Aaron, 1999). Experts contend that national credibility can be earned if national leaders advocate and adapt political and economic innovation, human development, infrastructural development, and investment attractiveness (Abraham., 2005). Political innovation refers to legislation of policies that are supportive of economic liberalization, works for the removal of protectionist policies, and attracting more investments using measures such as â€Å"international incentives to invest (Anderson, Dimaranan, Francois, Hertel, Hoekman, & Martin, 2001)..† However, while these policies support international trade and foreign investment, the protective and right–based policies significant to domestic stakeholders’ interests, land utilization, and resource